Increase Conversion With Our Features

1. Create A Sense Of Urgency With 5 Powerful Features:

  1.  A Countdown Timer On Product Pages. This features plays with FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). All you have to do is set the days or hours and that is it.
  2. Low Stock Scarcity Tactic helps creates another layer of urgency as well as providing proof to customers of past purchase history. This help show customers that are new to your website, that your are a verified seller.
  3. Recently Sold
  4. Pop-Up
  5. Live Visitor Count


2. Low Stock Scarcity Tactic helps creates another layer of urgency as well as providing proof to customers of past purchase history. This help show customers that are new to your website, that your are a verified seller. 


3. IP Location Recognition can recognize the country of origin and switch the currency accordingly. This built in feature can save you $100 a year from using third party apps.


4. Dynamic Package Receiving Estimator helps cut back on one of the most frequently asked question - When will I receive my order? All you have to do is set the time frame and our logic will handle the rest.


5. Built In Email Pop-Up, let's you collect emails and save them straight into Shopify. Saves you another $100 per year not having to use third party apps. 

Conversion Boosting Feature #7

Sold in last 24-hours

Add another layer of social-proof, one of the 3 most most powerful conversion boosters in e-commerce based on 6,700 split-tests analysed by Qubit. Show visitors that other people have bought recently.

Conversion Boosting Feature #8

Marketing Integrations

We’ve made it ridiculously easy for you to add the javascript code snippets from some of the most popular tools we use to grow our Shopify stores.

No need to get your developer involved, simply copy and paste the code into the relevant field in your theme settings and that’s it!

Conversion Boosting Feature #9


A weak guarantee is the fastest way to turn off would-be customers. And what’s worse is forcing customers to hunt around for the information on it before they buy.

It’s an essential part of your unique value proposition so we’ve put it prominently in the footer so visitors can get the reassurance they need before they checkout.

Conversion Boosting Feature #10

Value Proposition

You can’t afford to assume your visitors already know why they should buy from you. You need to set yourself apart from your competition and one of the best ways of doing this is telling them why you’re better than the rest.

And the best time to tell them why is just when they’re about to commit to buying. So we’ve added ‘Reasons Why’ icons under the ‘Add to Cart’ button and also on the cart page itself.

You can choose from our template icons or load your own.

Conversion Boosting Feature #11

Video Embedding

It’s no secret that product videos increase conversions so we’ve made it easy for you to add your videos alongside your product images (instead of embedding them in the description like most themes force you to do).

We’ve also added a place where you can add videos in the footer so you can tell your story and reinforce your unique value proposition. (You can turn this feature off at the click of a button if you’re not ready to get in front of the camera just yet.)

Conversion Boosting Feature #12

Sell Personalized Products Without The Need For Costly Apps

It’s no secret that selling personalized/customizable items increases conversions compared to non-customizable items. It also means you can charge higher prices too.

The Shoptimized Theme has product customization features built-in. Saving you $180 per year on an equivalent app.

Conversion Boosting Feature #13


The Baymard Institute’s research into top performing e-commerce stores found that those that perform best consistently use a mega-menu. It makes sense that when users can see the entire landscape of what you have to offer in one vista, they’re more likely to find their way to products that they will buy.

With Shoptimized you can customize the mega-menu to suit your niche and range of products making it easy for your visitors to find and buy your products.

Only have a handful of products? That’s cool, you can switch the mega-menu off and stick to traditional navigation until your range grows big enough.

Conversion Boosting Feature #14

Header Area

Your header is hands-down the most important piece of real estate on your store. It sets the tone for your brand and it’s the most visually consistent element. Because of this fact, you have to make every pixel in your header earn its place.

That’s why we’ve made it customizable in 8 crucial ways.

  1. Built-in ‘Hello bar’ lets you announce special offers like free shipping or flash sales.
  2. Add a strapline under your logo and test different value propositions to find out what brings you the highest conversions.
  3. Split navigation: Baymard Institute recommends an upper and a lower navigation for maximum usability. Use the upper navigation for your customer support links like about us, contact us, order tracking and FAQ’s. Use the lower to fast-track your visitors to your products.
  4. Promo banner: Use this as an additional way to promote offers site-wide.
  5. Prominent search: It’s a proven fact that visitors who use your internal site search are up to 3 times more likely to convert than those that don’t. Most sites inadvertently camouflage their site search costing them precious conversions. With Shoptimized, yours will never be missed. You can also customise the prompt text in the search field to encourage more searches by using persuasive copy.
  6. Phone number: Having a phone number displayed on your store is a massive factor in building trust , whether visitors actually call you or not, it’s a reassurance they need to spend their money with you.
  7. Mega-menu: As recommended by The Baymard Institute, a mega-menu is essential for usability and conversion when you have several categories and multiple products. See above for more info.
  8. A study by Smashing Magazine found that sticky navigation bars allowed users to find what they were looking for 22% faster. Since mobile users are looking for immediate results and quick access to key data, 22% faster navigation is a big deal. Furthermore, the same study found that an incredible 100% of participants preferred sites with sticky navigation bars, despite often not knowing why.

Conversion Boosting Feature #15

Built-in Social-Proof Pop-Up

Like persuasion expert, Dr. Cialdini says, people will do things that they see other people are doing. It’s a fundamental of human persuasion, so we built in a notification pop-up that randomly displays sales from your store. If your prospects see a buying frenzy, they’re more likely to join in.

Conversion Boosting Feature #16

Live Traffic Count

Again, social-proof is a big persuasion element, so showing a real time visitor count layers on another way to make your visitors feel there are others after your products too.

And when you combine this with scarcity inducing factors, like low stock or expiring discounts, then conversions go through the roof.

Conversion Boosting Feature #17

Upsell Pop-up

Your average order value is a critical factor in whether your ad campaigns make money hand over fist, or are losing you money.

This built-in upsell pop-up lets you bump up your average order value by encouraging customers to buy more than one item. It’s simple and effective.

Third party apps that do this are notorious for slowing your site down and killing conversions.

Conversion Boosting Feature #18

Fully Customizable Call-to-Action Button

Getting visitors to add an item to the cart is everything when they land on your product pages, if your button is camouflaged or hidden by clutter, your sales will suffer.

We make it easy for you to test different button sizes, colours and call-to-action text. This way you can find the sweet spot that pulls in the maximum profits.

Conversion Boosting Feature #19

Cart Page Urgency

As legendary copywriter Gary Bencivenga says “In most people, the fear of loss is a much stronger motivator than the desire for gain”. So by making users feel that the deal they want is going to go away, you can create a sense of urgency. That’s why we added an optional countdown timer on the cart page to help motivate users to complete their checkout.

Conversion Boosting Feature #20

Skip the Cart

Many of our theme users asked if we could create a way to skip the cart entirely from the funnel, this reduces friction and often increases conversions. We’ve made this a simple checkbox option for you to test this on your own store and boost profits.

Conversion Boosting Feature #21

Product Badging

This is a key merchandising feature to help highlight items on sale or with free shipping that e-commerce platforms like Monetate charge $30k per year for. We’ve included it for free.

Here’s What Other Happy Shoptimized Theme Users Are Saying…

Designed by a team who are them selves selling day in, day out on Shopify

The Shoptimized Theme makes setting up your Shopify Store super easy.

What I like best about it is that the theme has been designed by a team who are themselves selling day in, day out on Shopify, so they have designed a theme specifically to boost conversions and make it easy for customers to use – both of which are very important in an ecommerce setting.

Shoptimized is the only theme I have used on my store, and I have had a number of compliments on the look and user experience.

Tanya Smith Lorenz


Thanks to the Shoptimized Theme, I’ve been seeing conversion rates up to 12%

I am so glad that I found the Shoptimized Theme early, when I started building my stores.

Finding a high converting theme can be an expensive and exhausting because you really don’t know what works until you try it.

Since I’ve installed the Shoptimized Theme I know for a fact that I found the perfect theme and will look no further.

It is mobile optimized with all the features needed for a highly converting store. Its easy to install and customize to fit your store and brand.

Furthermore, it is very flexible, so you can add and change things if you’d like to.

Thanks to the Shoptimized Theme, I’ve been seeing conversion rates up to 12% when selling retail, which has exceeded my expectations. Its also always being updated which gives me peace of mind.

Highly, HIGHLY recommend!!!

Yoel Cohen


My conversion rates were much better than with my previous theme

The Shoptimized template helped save me a lot of time with great features that are helpful for marketers.

My conversion rates were much better than with my previous theme. A great tool for those who run Shopify stores, and built by one of the biggest sellers in the Shopify industry!

Jason Tax


Lift Your Shopify Store’s Sales Better Than Ever Before

  • Basic

    A wise choice for single store owners

    This option includes:

    • 1 x Store LicenseOne-time fee
    • Native EnglishSpeaking Support-7-Days a Week
    • Free Lifetime Upgrades
    • Free Access to Shoptimized Shopify/FacebookTraining worth $997
    $139$127One-time feeSee Live Demo
  • Pro

    Perfect for growing your
    e-commerce empire

    This option includes:

    • 3 x Store LicenseOne-time fee
    • Native EnglishSpeaking Support-7-Days a Week
    • Free Lifetime Upgrades
    • Free Access to Shoptimized Shopify/FacebookTraining worth $997
    $249$147One-time feeSee Live Demo
  • Ultimate

    Ideal when you have 4+ stores or working with clients

    This option includes:

    • 10 x Store LicenseOne-time fee
    • Native EnglishSpeaking Support-7-Days a Week
    • Free Lifetime Upgrades
    • Free Access to Shoptimized Shopify/FacebookTraining worth $997
    $599$297One-time feeSee Live Demo

The Only Theme Built With A “Mobile-First” Mindset

It’s no secret that mobile traffic has overtaken desktop by almost 10:1 in the last 6 years (source: Statista). This means that your store needs to perform perfectly on mobile to maximize your profits. This goes for your content and the page load times.

The thing is, most Shopify themes are built backwards because they rely on the outdated approach of responsive design. This old school method starts with a desktop design which is then rehashed downwards to fit on mobile devices. The end result is a site that often performs sub-optimally on mobile costing you precious sales.

But the Shoptimized theme is the only theme that’s built from the ground up with a mobile-first approach. This means your store’s most persuasive content gets seen more readily and that navigating the site is quick and effortless for your visitors. The net results are higher conversions and more repeat business from a better user experience.

Want more motivation? Check your analytics. You’ll likely find that a significant chunk of your traffic is coming from mobile devices.

Responsive Web Design (The Old Way)

Mobile First Web Design

Responsive web design is an outdated concept in the light of such a huge spike in mobile traffic. The Shoptimized theme is the only theme built with a mobile-first mindset for better mobile conversions

Mobile Experience

Neil Patel, Conversion Rate Expert & founder of QuickSprout, Crazy Egg & KISSmetrics

…ensure that your site is optimized for mobile traffic first, then make sure it looks great on a desktop or laptop.

What Makes A Shoptimized Store Sell So Much More Than A Regular Store?

After 14 months of rigorous testing and over $24,000 in design and development costs, I’ve created the ultimate Shopify theme that cuts out the sales-killing elements of most standard themes.

Bradley Long is a Conversion Rate Optimization Expert and has grown conversions for some of the world’s most sophisticated brands.

Hi, my name’s Bradley Long and on top of running a string of my own Shopify stores, I also moonlight as a Conversion Rate Optimization consultant. I’ve grown online sales for some of the world’s most sophisticated brands and dozens that you may not have heard of (but are all 7,8 & 9 figure businesses). This insider’s track has given me the unique priviledge of understanding visitor psychology and behavior across dozens and dozens of niches and industries. It also means I have run hundreds of split-tests to know down to the penny what works and what fails miserably in online commerce.

And that’s why, when it came to developing the Shoptimized Theme, I distilled everything I’ve learned from running my own e-commerce stores since 2005 into making it convert like no other. Plus the experience gained from every split-test I’ve ever run for both myself and for dozens of clients has been poured into this high-converting theme.

Conversion Multipler #1 :

Carefully designed layouts, copy and on page elements to convert visitors to buyers, based on hundreds of split-tests and tens of thousands of dollars in custom e-commerce programming.

Conversion Multipler #2 :

Eliminates hours of expensive developer customization that most themes need in order to make sales.

Conversion Multipler #3 :

Product page templates developed specifically for high converting T-shirt promotions and free+shipping offers.

Here’s the proof:

The screenshot below shows the results of a recent split-test. We tested a popular Shopify theme against the Shoptimized theme and it beat it by a whopping 56.3%!

Full disclosure: We kept the traffic source the same (Facebook ads) and the products we were driving traffic to were the same too. (Changing the traffic source/audience or product can have a dramatic effect on conversions so we needed to isolate those variables.)

The end result is that with the Shoptimized Theme, your advertising spend brings you are far higher ROI and you can afford to reinvest more into traffic and other customer acquisition strategies to out-gun your competition.

In a head-to-head split test, the Shoptimized Theme turned 56.3% more visitors into customers than another popular Shopify theme.

Traditional Shopify Theme Vs Shoptimized

Traditional Themes

  • Built by web developers who aren’t conversion specialists or store owners
  • Slow loading pages that kill your conversions
  • Lack of customization
  • Designs based on guess work, not realworld experience
  • Responsive design
  • Shoot-from-the-hip guesswork on what converts
  • You pay once and then you’re left with a theme that becomes outdated and unsupported.
  • Outsourced overseas support who are frustratiingly slow to respond and often confusing.

A Better Way

Shoptimized was created by leading Conversion Rate Expert, Bradley Long and his team. Bradley has 3 e-commerce stores of his own and also consults with some of the world’s most sophistictaed brands.

The Shoptimized Theme loads lightening fast. Unless you have some clunky apps running on your store, you can expect load times well under 2-seconds.

Over 400 customization options so you can get your store looking and converting at its best. (Or you can just use our pre- configured conversion optimized settings.)

We analyzed the top 100 e-commerce stores in the world and took the best bits from all of them, split-test them on our own stores and then built the Shoptimized Theme. This way you know you’re store will convert better out-of-the-box.

Shoptimized was built for mobile first because that’s where the majority of your traffic comes from. This means we started with how it would perform on mobile and then built the desktop and tablet versions.

We went to the world’s leading authority on e-commerce best practice and conversion, The Baymard Institute. We took everything they preached, tested it on our own stores and then incorporated every element Shopify allows into our Theme

Free lifetime updates

Our support team is run by native English speakers. They’re Shopify experts, not just customer service reps who field questions.

Give Your Conversions A Lift Today By Installing The Shoptmized Theme

  • Basic

    A wise choice for single store owners

    This option includes:

    • 1 x Store LicenseOne-time fee
    • Native EnglishSpeaking Support-7-Days a Week
    • Free Lifetime Upgrades
    • Free Access to Shoptimized Shopify/FacebookTraining worth $997
    $139$127One-time feeSee Live Demo
  • Pro

    Perfect for growing your
    e-commerce empire

    This option includes:

    • 3 x Store LicenseOne-time fee
    • Native EnglishSpeaking Support-7-Days a Week
    • Free Lifetime Upgrades
    • Free Access to Shoptimized Shopify/FacebookTraining worth $997
    $249$147One-time feeSee Live Demo
  • Ultimate

    Ideal when you have 4+ stores or working with clients

    This option includes:

    • 10 x Store LicenseOne-time fee
    • Native EnglishSpeaking Support-7-Days a Week
    • Free Lifetime Upgrades
    • Free Access to Shoptimized Shopify/FacebookTraining worth $997
    $599$297One-time feeSee Live Demo

Here’s What Other Happy Shoptimized Theme Users Are Saying…

This might just be the best theme out there. And believe me when I say I have experience with a lot of them and with WordPress too.

John Keers


This NEW theme just killed all the other themes in the market!


The new theme is freaking fantastic!

It looks super clean, professionally built, and I will not be surprised if a horde load of e-commerce stores start using this theme.

Thank you for all your efforts in helping us succeed.

I can proudly say investing in you all, was well worth the money. I sincerely mean every word.

Eric Orellana


Thanks very much for your help. Your customer service is awesome. Just recommended a few friends to buy your theme.

Mel Foyston


Want us to install and configure your Shoptimized Theme for you?

If you’re too busy running your store or just want your new theme set up in the optimal way to maximize your conversions, then our team can install and configure your theme for you for just $99 additional cost.

Simply contact our support desk after you have purchased your theme to arrange the additional payment and book our developer time.


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